Friday, April 27, 2007

Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?

Whatever will be, will be. The futures not ours to see. I am coming to the end of an era, with the next era unknown. Should I go for the experience? Or just fester. I need education to have a good time, I like following papers and being told what to do. The life of cleaning is just not for me. Won't tell Daddy that just yet though.

I met the love of my life, the whole 30 seconds where we gazed into eachothers eyes was the most special moment of my life. Shame it was cut so short by some rowdy boys who liked to bop to "Taper Jean Girl". Everytime I hear that song now I fear the crush.

I must not be like my sister, I must pay interest to the other, I should talk to the other and I should visit the final one. I wish I did what I planned to, otherwise I would be more than successful. I would probably be ruling the world.