Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Under a sky no one sees

Simply just five songs, played at random, and what they mean to me. A Jess Sturt classic.

Still Life by The Horrors

First heard it in the summer of 2012 I believe. I was in a relationship with a guy with the coolest music taste;

On one of our walks home after a night out, we lived around two miles away from the town centre, we were discussing the rubbish choice of music that had been playing in the only local 'club'; the reasoning for our premature departure. Chaz was angry that Mr Brightside was played; he had been a huge fan of The Killers and he hated how the majority of their other brilliant songs were completely disregarded to make way for this hugely commercially successful one. He just probably really enjoyed Andy You're A Star (hey, it's one of my favourites). I continued our debate by announcing how I felt the exact same about Sex on Fire by the Kings of Leon.

So, this was constantly played on Radio 1 during my twenty minute drive from Bude to Bradworthy, really made the journey. Chaz did like to remind me however, that The Horrors had been around for a long old time, and I had turned into one of the people I hated; only aware of the hits. So I told him I would use the appreciation in a way that I did with most musical interests, and back track to hear everything they had ever done.

Two years later, I am in New York, with no other entries from The Horrors (sorrysorrysorry) on my iTunes. It is my last day and I have finally understood how to walk around the city. Walking one block to realise that I had gone the wrong way was yesterday's news. So here I was, headphones in, and navigating my little self from the MET to 34th Street completely unaided. I got to Madison Square Gardens and sat down with my journal and wrote about my perfect week break with Still Life playing. I laughed to myself at the thought of being the most pretentious little asshole. I had had a good time though.

The Girls by Calvin Harris

Just reminds of when I first turned 18 and went out drinking and dancing officially for the first time. I had the dance routine down to a tee. I knew exactly when to point to myself (white girls, Italian girls, short girls, blonde girls, carrying a little bit of weight girls).

Completely threw me when I dyed my hair red though.

Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens

Downloaded after I discovered how much I love Ricky Gervais and Extras. Turned out to be a song I used to test how much I would get on with the next potential boyfriend; he knew exactly where it was from, I knew we were going to have a good time.

Sao Paulo by The Guillemots

I had bought Through The Windowpane during my second year at college after hearing a live version of Trains to Brazil on an early Channel 4 music programme and it had blew my little mind. The album was very much out of my comfort zone, what with all the cellos and pianos and other crazy instruments. This eleven minuter is an absolute masterpiece, need to listen to it within it's entirety to fully appreciate it though, but I persevered. Sometimes I could cry for miles.

My most favourite ever, ever ending to a song ever. Keep aware of the time up to around the 6 minute mark where perfection kicks in.

Have you ever been thrown across the water

Till there's no skin left on your bones

Thrown across water 

Thrown across water 

Thrown across water

Like a stone

Get me a doctor

Who will get rid of my bones
Get me a lover

Who will leave my head alone
Get me a soldier

Who will fight me in this war
Get me an exit

I need an exit

I need a window or door

Get me a lawyer

Who will sue the world for me
Get me a person

Who isn't me
Cuz I'm getting tired

I'm getting tired

Of my stupid little face
I don't belong here

I don't belong here

Don't belong in this horse race

Yeah...and when I showed my boyfriend it, he was not impressed at all. So to remind me that he may still be good even though he prefers Ice Cube to guitars, he did a really silly dance to the instruments at the end to which I would clutch onto my gut with laughter as I admired. Amazing lyrics though. CHILL OUT JESS.

Ok, final song is...

A Certain Romance by Arctic Monkeys

That summer where we smoked loads of 'gear' at Goodwill and Air got really good on the guitar. I told him the songs I wanted him to learn, I printed off the lyrics and then we saw what we could do. Nailed this on Summerleaze beach. Pretty sure I have a recording of us doing the Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash somewhere...those were the days.

Can't wait for the day when I reminisce on Jess Glynne's Hold My Hand and remember how great Manchester has been for me this year. Having an absolute ball, but really wasting my days off.