Tuesday, August 03, 2004

A note of farewell...but just for now ;)

Well the holidays have been pertty good so far, the weather is great, and me and Tab have made some great new friends! We've actually got relationships now, mines Steph Menzies lookalike and hers is Sam, I was jealous of her at first because I really liked Sam, but they had already fallen in love so I just left it.
On a more serious note, I really like John. And Rik. I dunno why I like Rik though, he has permanent bov for me and it's starting to piss me off!
Well me and Tab keep going up Barnstaple it's pretty cool I suppose, made quite alot of friends which is cool. On Saturday I am going on holiday up North for 2 weeks, so no more blogging from me for a while! Well happy reading and hope y'all have fun.


oliver41 said...

Lmao! We had fun lol. :P xxxx

oliver41 said...

Yeh another comment, Jess came up with an actualy clear brainy comment! I can do a bit of my blog by commenting...wel anyway, I havnt said anything in a blog for a while as my mum started searching for it...Its not for her! Yeh: My texts:

I just need one more fuckin hit - Billy

Eye touching - Jess Billy and I touched eachothers eyeballs when we were dreaming...

"You Ok Daniel?" - Random tourist
"Yeh" - Jess
"I think he wernt talking to you Daniel" - Billy

"Is Toby in?" Me
"yeh" voice in background
"he's out" Toby's dad...

Lee bogey - Lee had a bogey....

"Lets all swap clothes" Billys brain..

"I wanna drive a mini off a cliff just to see how funny it would look" - Big knuckles (George)

"Velcro Vopalopa" - Jess!!

"Whats that on your tooth?"
"Oh that? I dunno, even the dentist doesn't know"
(Forgot who it was....:-$)

At the bowling alley....
"Which side am I batting for?"

"Michael, don't talk to me about democracy" Chris...

Well there you go and here I go.

Bubye xxxxxxxxxx