Wednesday, December 29, 2004

So this is Christmas

Yeah I'm currently listening to Happy Christmas - The Idols...I was in love with Sam ok!

Talking of love, I would like to apologise to everyone who I said "I love you" to when I was fucked off that Tia Maria. I'm sure I just like you very much...

I'm here alone, listening to...well I've already confessed to that, waiting for Tabby to ring me so I can get a social life. I'm hot, frustrated and in a skirt, damn I'm so cool. Not really, I just don't want to wear the same trousers as yesterday.

But I will change, as it is ever so chilly outside.

I think it's now time for some Bon Jovi as I miss seemed like only yesterday that I met the guy, and now it's all over.

I don't want it to be, it's just ended up that way.

Well, I'll leave you with what was written on my phone, toodlepip folks.

Who led the roundheads? Hitler...Aodh in the "Christmas Quiz" in maths, I was in hysterics.

Danny Dyer...A fucking stunning actor that can be found in such films as: Football Factory, Mean Machine and shit, I forgot the other one, I know what I mean though...HUMAN TRAFFIC!

Ghost World...A pretty good film.

I'm not popular enough to be different...Homer Simpson said it. I really like it and I think it speaks the truth.

At first I was afraid, I was petrified...I'm really good at singing this song, I just always forget how it starts...

48, ex23 9BB...Sam's house number and postcode, so he could get a walkometer :P

Thursday, December 23, 2004


tAVB! tHAT AS THE EXACT LYIRC I EWAS ININ 2 WEN I THOUGHT ABOUT YOU. TEH ROAD THING! ever sice the day i emt you ive felt happy and odnt ever oiten to me if i bad mouthg you because you are the greatest thing that shappendint my life. before all that i was being used for is friendship, they didnt lie me at all,m it psoee it was ll just someont to hsn gout with whilst their best mate fucke off.

you are so not liek them tab, you are the greatest of themall and no mstter ehat happens i will always lvoe you, because you're not abithf, adm o dont car eif you lie, because live to

if anyone gives ahs a go at tou, jsut turn sorung and say, well hjess lveos me hbeing this way, so if you have a problem go hare it with her becaus ei dont giev a fuck.

you take care hun, because u deserve it and if akcing lveo you to bits, jess x

i loce spits on my wppelw!

i live coutnign crows., and i liek matt, and rob, and rik and and brian. they are aal;l beasutiful. oo!bos online. maybe he blokced me and maybe he didnt. christ i feel fucked. thsi is qure a reare occurance acctualyla and brian wont ring m, :( tell him to ring me

Oh tabby, i lveoy oiu. you areso swet and make sense of everything i say, brins being mean to me about love. hat happenmds if i did lvoe him'>@ he would never knwo because he atES ME. ANF HE ALWAYS WILL DO.
well what do i cate? hes a frgwat friend and ive missedhim lovbeas but do ilvoe him? i dunool he makes me laugh andm,akes me cry.

i lvo e alex. dammnf he sjust so jice and hot and mine, onece. but now he sint

lets talk abiout abta, i lve tab. shes the greatsets

i love tab, shes my idol. if i cud be anyione int eh world i woyud be her beacuae shes everything i want to bw, shes beautiufl, got a greta personaltiy and shes just eh greatest human being alive;

i love you tab, never be sometone yur not becayse i dont want you to ever be differnt, i lveo you xxx

Hokd on!

Wiw! Todays ben good, been tlakign to rob, the new lonv,e. he;s great I lvow him lol/ I lce tab, pig, rik n len too, not int ehtorde though! ive had my hair dyed! i lvoe brian teh snail too. he is great,. tab your are actualyl my bestest friend int eh wordla dn no ine will change that, people say you may be imamture but what the fuck hsss it got to do with them? i lkove you the way you are, amd so does len so just ntabby because itd the pebst opersonality int ehworld.

I lveo you ttba, pig, rik and len adn brin aand rob xxx

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I don't care about spots on my apples...

Well the weekends been funny, talking about Corrin feeding a baby with tits...I suppose you would of had to of been there.
For the first time in about 41 weeks Tabby's gonna stay over tonight <3 We're gonna watch Notting Hill, and in the morning...I'm eating waffles :D

I just have to write about last lesson yesterday, it was s.e and I got my substitute to do a number of impressions. He sounds like Dr. Evil so I got him to talk about the fricken laser, and also he has a Bristolish accent so I got himto say yeah, but no, but yeah, but no...

Then me, Alex, Dave, Chang and Ben looked at the FHM magazine and I was in stitches, reading the sex tips and laughing at people's...frans...

Funny as fuck, don't think I was really invited to read it...but I did :)

Well, life's been treating ok recently, got shit results in my mock exams but hey! Nothing goes right for Miss Jessy Sturt.

But I will be loaded when I'm older; I'm a natural born entertainer.
If only I could sing...festering masculine voice and out-of-tunedness.

Well I'm off now, toodlepipx

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You grew up way too fast, now there's nothing to believe

Well, I'll say Happy Birthday to John Rzeznik, 41 two days ago.
Damn I love that guy, and I've only just realised what life he went through, now I know where all the metaphorical songs came from.

It's sad isn't it? No one has a decent life, there's always at least one thing to get in people's ways. I mean, I have a family that still live together, we're not poor, but I still hate it!

I lack love, not the family love that I receive everyday but you know, that love.

I know if you're reading this you'll be thinking: She's just another female teenager who doesn't know what she's talking about, but I think I do. I mean, I have everything I could ever wish for except love, and decent hair, and clean skin. But hey, I don't care about my appearance so those can wait.

I feel extremely lame, yes that's right, I'm listening to Fleetwood Mac.

Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies...

Today was actually really good. At first I had an exam, it was ok, kinda easy I guess. The last of them...finally! The remaining time of second lesson was spent talking to Alex about golf, I will be spying on him at the weekend...

At break we just had a fag, I successsfully scared Corrin's little brother, bless him and his sexiness ;) I also managed to get the oh so great Mcfly songs in people's heads *mwahahahahahahahahahaha* I'm sooo bad...

Third lesson was maths, me and Nicola had a laugh, and I talked to Mopflop again! But festering Tilz came back so I had to depart. Fourth lesson was art, it was incredibly boring as Lettie and Anna decided not to join me, again. So it was just me and "Guru", and we don't talk. I got a D/E for the art exam, yes I know it's shit...but I can't draw.

Lunch was ok, it mainly consisted of me and Tab singing our perverted songs on multiple occasions, smoking illegal substances and smoking legal substances!

Last lesson was food, I was in a very big hyper and kept grabbing all my salmons' bums. I love those guys.

I saw Richard Rowland, and I told him of my undying love for him...after acting in a very immature manner for example, knocking on classroom doors and running away, screaming in people's faces and telling them that a) the chickens are after them or b) that I'm imagining them naked.

So yes... I'll either go to Corrin's then go to college tomorrow or go to Pig's so I can cook at school tomorrow.

I'll see how things go, thank you my friendly computer, for allowing me to type my oh-so-boring life.

I love you, God I'm lame...I just confessed love to a machine, oh but I do.

Toodlepip x

P.s These need to be done:

1:13 ... The time on "Andre" when he calls his wife a phallus

talk to get at their meaning not to find yours... On a rizla packet

fittys in teachers ewan and john - ...Didn't quite write the names down

rockstar - mark wahlberg colorful...I watched a film and I liked this song

motherlode...a cheat for The Sims 2

away from the sun 3 doors down...a song I wanted to download, and did

8 8tr 4 9al ... Tab and Craigs house numbers and postcodes, they wanted walkometers :D

steve wilson ... A fitty tha presents this really lame child show

madonna - ray of light ...another song I wanted to download, and did

elton john your song ...and again

the home is somewhere to get away from all your problems, not to face them. stacey about the domestic abuse week explains it all

jamie cullum everlasting love ...another song to download, which I have

cascada - i need a miracle ...a song that I have to download, remind me sometime

the proclaimers were at number 36 ...I felt the need to tell Tab

weezer hashpipe sounds like the beginning of gwen stefani what you waiting for ...explains it all

how can i prove that we're live? penis ...the news guy said it on the Simpsons, facking hilarious

track 9 dirty dancing ost ... another song to download, which I have

dont wanna be an american immigrant ...Kayleigh got the lyrics wrong...I found it hilarious

the lazyboyz sweet child of mine bel-air feat. lisa sunshine after the rain ...another couple of songs to download

missing you tina turner ...and again

dad was obsessed with the yearbook ...a dream I had

go confidently in the direction of your dreams. live the life you have imagined ...on a rizla packet

ooh! free chocolate! ...Tab, when she recieved an email

y is it so warm? because its a fridge ...Mine and Pig's covnersation

warpigs dresdon dolls ...a really fucked up song that Tab wants to download