Monday, May 31, 2004

Well isn't life just great?

Well I think today's been a complete pile of shit :). Woke up, had a shower which was good, cleared my head. Then me and Tab went to Pig's. Da came later, again I was all over him, I've really gotta stop doing that. CHANGE ATTITUDE JESS, AND FAST! I came home later, had my sister down my throat all day, and now on the internet, I've got no one talking to me but Mikey, I'm not complaining hunny, your great. But I just want to talk to, omg! Look what he just said!

Your opinion what is that? It's just a different point of view... says:
they wont listen to me, im just jess
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
i'll tell them :D
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
ur not just jess.
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
ur jess :)
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
who is funny, and lovely :)// i think....:S

ah bad! There's more...

Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
thats a really nice pic of you by the way.
Your opinion what is that? It's just a different point of view... says:
lol, no
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
it is..
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
or else.. i wudnt say it :D
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
im being nice, give me a chance :)
Mikey Find Fosters - You've Found me!! F?ŠTEÅN says:
tis tho mate.

Well yeah, that's enough of that. He's cheered me up! Lol. Well thats all then...


Sunday, May 30, 2004


Well today's been cool. Woke up round Tab's, had a poorly neck :( We watched 3 hours of Hollyoaks :|, I made Tab do it, and she didn't sem impressed, well Lee is great!!! Well yeah, my MoMmI picked me up then I went home and went online all day, tehn I ate, met Tab now I'm round Pig's, we should eb here till about 11. It's been fun guys, it really has :|.

That is all for now


Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Well todays been cool. Walked to school with Frankie, had twose.....which was some good shit son :|...l n b!

We had extended form time, which was fun because we discovered how infectious yawns actually are, yes, 20 minutes of yawning was great, we were placing bets on who would yawn next...oh the joy!

First lesson was r.e I got 31% which was actually great, Alex (smart guy) got 20%, so I feel privellegged, it was kinda cool, Alex allowed me to sit next to him! Lol, it was fun talking about random things...

Second lesson was art, I was continuing my "relationship" with Sam, I drew an ever so perdy rose, I'm hardcore, and I deserve a quiche! It was fun talking with him for an hour, I sang him : "Can't take my eyes off you..." he blushed the little cutie! And I also managed to wink at Anna...

At break we ate...

Third lesson was business, pretty poopy, Morganator's voice is starting to do my head in...

Fourth lesson was science, it was ok, I fell out with Lettie at the beginning, but she came back, Sammy's continuing to be a dickhead...bov for him innit mate :| I come from Landan...

At lunch me and Tab went down Pig's I was in hysterics due to finally figuring out that he doesn'y actually laugh! Just cough...Say Da, wouldn't let him go!

Last lesson was history, I discovered me and Angy had the same results, 32%, it's a sign :|, or not! Lol... Well that was about it...

After school I went Tab's, then we went to Pig's, Nips came, Tab left, I left...

It was cool, but now I am alone eating Snack-A-Jacks, go team Jessy ;), that's all to say folks


Monday, May 24, 2004

Hey babes...I'm back!...with my dots dammit! Dammit...I LOVE THAT WORD DAMMIT :P

Well I sure do miss my blog, infact I miss my old life! I was listening to err...a cd me and my friend made a while back...and it made me think, I never see her anymore, and I just generally miss hanging out with all my mates. Well I'll do what I haven't done for a long while...

Today: I had a shower, walked to school with Frankie, we had a good chat about was cool. I got there, and just generally socialised...and accused Michaela of performing some kind of sexual activity and a certain someone...;)

First lesson was art, it was great, my work is actually starting to look good! I was trying it on with everyone! Even Mr kIng ;). Well yeah, I said I wanted to suck his phallus, and I've fallen in love with someone else...Sam Hayden...there, I confessed...he is officially now, "my relationship". I hugged him for ages and he's just..mmm......Sam!

Second lesson was english, it was ok, we just did some of our essay for when we come back in 3 weeks, we've got work experiance soon, and I'm pooping myself!!

At break me, Lettie and Tab, it was cool...Mr Bardsley is a new target to seduce ;)...just kidding, I don't dream about seducing my teachers...which leads me to my third lesson...

Science with Mr Ryan, :P, we were doing an experiment, Sammy was being pleasantly nice to me! It was great! I even got a hug! Lol...he made me a bracelet and I've sooooooo got over him *rolls eyes*...

Fourth lesson was p.e, it was great, we were playing "tennis volley" and Miss kept saying: HERE WE GO. So me and Tab kept singing the Geeks song, it was great, then we started calling Miss a curse because she kept making us loose dammit! :@

At lunch we went down Lettie's...but she wasn't there! So we hung out with Larnie, it was cool chatting like old times again, although I felt a bit awkward...but she's my sister dammit! I can't feel that way, they bought a double bed for Larnie especially so I can sleep with her! I used to stay round hers for months on ends you see...

Last lesson was well I can't remember yet...wait a sec...oh yeah, it was maths, I got the lowests results on the second test, as well as the first, I got 19%...I'm becoming so bad! Well yeah, it was a laugh because Tab laughed in the Bitch's face...

Tab came mine after school, then we went Pig's, Kris came, Tab left, Kris left then me and Pig just hung out, and I edited my site loads...

Well that's all, so until tomorrow


Lol, oh yeah, if you ever read this Len, I love you, even if spelling my MoMmIs name is a disability.

Take care and Toodlepip

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Well well well...

Well today's been cool, woke up about midday, I didn't speak to Len at all yesterday! Oh had lasted a whole month *wipes tear* well yeah, I read a bit...then we went downstairs and munched! We went Pig's later and just hung out really, edited out sites so thats pretty cool. Me and Pig were in hystericas due to a song that had been sent...I think it's really starting to get lame finding the word "poo" funny at 15 years old...
Well yeah, I'm being distracted by seeing Angy on webcam, so I must make like a quiche...and bake :|

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Well it's been a while...

Well alot has happened recently, yesterday me and Tab got drunk and it ended up with Tabby's nose coming to harm, it's a shame because it started out as a great night. I've discovered Air isn't a bastard, infact he's a really sweet guy! The other night I was thinking, Tabby's got everything, and what do I have? Nothing but the taste of prawns when I eat Jaffa Cakes...

My exams are finally over, I've got both bad and good results, got an A in Food, 2 B-s in English, an E in science, 23% in maths, oh dear! Lol, I'm dreading my history and r.e, but oh well! Well yeah, lifes been treating me well. And they have blessed me with such great friends, I was just too blind to see it, so heres a huage shout out to the guys that have made my life livable!

Deesray and so on...

Lol, well that's all, take care peeps. You know I love you

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Times are achanging...

Well, I've missed alot out, life is slowly improving which is good. I've still managed to speak to Len everyday, which is getting quite expensive due to I have no credit...
College was fun today. I recorded it. It's surprising how different people act when they see they are being recorded...
Well Len sent me this beautiful song, so I'm gonna publish the lyrics.
I've got nothing else to say apart from just taken end of year ten exams, not doing too well.

So until next time...keeps these lyrics with you

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hold
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become
My ssweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Toodlepip hunnies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, May 10, 2004

I love Jess's personality...

Lol, the title! Today's been cool, walked to school with Frankie. Had a cigarette, this is boring! Lol, umm... first lesson was art, was cool, Lettie attcked me with white paint, I tried to get her back, so now she has a white footprint on her trousers :) Second lesson was english, we had a lame revision, lmao! please hold, I have a pulse in my neck and it's taking over my face! LMAO! It feels so weird!!! Yeah anyway... english...we read and stuff, I had the odd outburst of giggles, due to Heywood shitting himself, LMAO! Pig was in hysterics, it was funny...

At break I had a nice healthy sandwich (I'm eating more healthy...)we saw Da, he did this funny walk as he walked by, and now my bird is grooming me...and pecking my ear...yeah, after that was an English test, I was on a roll! 5 pages on two questions! Lol, I think that's an exaggeration, but yeah. I got very sidetracked, so sidetracked I ended up writing about Worldpeace and Goo Goo Dolls lyrics. At lunch me and Tab hung with Pig, and finally met Regard! Lol, the time we finally get to hang with them is 3 days before they leave school, look at mine and Tabby's skill!

Last lesson was maths, we kept singing and we nearly got a detention! Chang said I had a nice personality! Lol, I won't write about him saying about Tabby's ass being nice, SHIT!!! Lol, now I sound lame, ugly with no friends...yup!!! Well that's all I gotta say


Friday, May 07, 2004

Matinee means afternoon!

Well today's been cool, walked to school with Frankie, arrived and was kind late, oh well. First lesson was p.e, tabby tried to hit the ball as a retard would of...I won't say anymore. It was generally fun, the singing and stuff.

Second lesson was business, I didn't do any work, just emailed len and Rik constantly, I'm sure they enjoyed the fact that I did this. And I'm sorry I have to stop writing about my boring life because of Kris. He can say one thing and it pisses you off! No wonder why he deleted his blog. Arg! Well yeah, the rest of my day was highly boring. meh meh meh


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I say I say I say...I'm a butcher

Well todays been well cool, taking the piss out of someone because they look like a sheep, well she called me ginger, it's sooooo orange! Then we were doing impressions of FRed Elliot, which was cool because Corrie is on now, and hes talking :D. Well I've got bov, toodlepipxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Today is a matinee...

I didn't have a clue what to use as the title, so that's what came! Lol, randomness is great. I woke up at 7 today, I thought it was 8 and I got a message from Frankie saying that she wouldn't be coming for me, so I started getting ready, there was me blaring Nirvana at 6:50 in the morning, then MoMmI asked me what i was doing up so early, so she let me sleep until 8:15 :D. Then she gave me a lift!

I got there really early, so I talked to Lucy about the weekend, she still has her Jelly Bear (named Marlin) She's had him a week now, I'm surprised he isn't sticky! Well yeah, it was fun hearing about everyone else's weekend, I thought mine was actually great!

We had form time in the morning, which was cool because they all went into great detail about their drunkeness, it makes me miss my cider drinking days...*wipes tear* what about Friday?:P

Well for the remaining p.e lesson, me and Tab just shooted (well I didn't...but ssh!). It was a laugh, then I was joined by Lettie and her ever so great new BROWN hair! Hunny, it does look good don't listen to what other people say.

Second lesson was science. The test was fun, Sammy was there. I have now discovered that he isn't the person I'm in love with. I think I was once, but now I look at him and just feel like friends.

At break we just festered around trying to have a cigarette, but the teachers kept following us kinda thing, but we managed to sneak one behind the box.

Third lesson was business, it was extremely boring and testy and...pfft...BUT! I found something out: Press Alt Gr and the . and you get this: ... :D HEHE! I figured it out in the lesson, Deesray didn't look too impressed...hehe :D

Fourth lesson was English, all the way through I needed the toilet, then I went and it wasn't that bad after all, lol, todays been pretty boring, so I'm gonna go into every detail!

At lunch me and Tab went down Spar, were trampled over by the scabbers down donkey but we managed to get out! And get munch...I couldn't breathe, it was well bad. But it ended up with loaddsa choccy, which is always good :D

Last lesson was maths, it was very funny, despite the fact that Tab was constantly drawing Swatstika's over my maths book...we had an interresting discussion with Chang, I don't fancy him...or even find him remotely attractive...

I went to Tab's afterschool, it was funyn signing all the guestbooks, I cut my hair a little, just a trim, then we came back to mine and munched, phone Len and Rik. Then I walked Tab home and now I'm on here. It's great beign able to access the internet...why did I write that? Tab I love ya babe


Monday, May 03, 2004

Why does everything have to be so lame?

Well yesterday was great when it was just me and Tab. We went to church, departed then reunited. We cmae back to mine for a barbeque, then we left in search for Clur and her crew. So we wandered around desperaetly in teh red hot sun, then we finally found them, after hours of walking. We got there, it was lame, maybe it wasn't for Tabby, but because they weren;t exactly my friends I found it hard to fit in, so I retreated up the hills nearly in tears then phoned Len, I've gotta stop doing that! Me, Tab, Gary Jones and Jimmy were all together, teh others had separated from us, and I just remember feeling like such a loser, then I looked at Tabby, she looked at me and she gave me the most beautiful smile as in to say everything would be just fine. It made me smile and I just wanted to hug her for the rest of my life! Well that's all I gotta say, so a huage thank you to Tabby Love ya millions hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, May 02, 2004

What Goo Goo Doll's Song are you?

I didn't know what to write as the title, so I thought I'd write that :). Well I haven't updated in a LONG time, so I thought I'd write what I've kept on my phone...

"I love nazis! Bring back the holocaust!"...Me

"If we get raped now... it'll just be taking the piss!"...Me

"Shake that ass bitch and let me see what u got..."...Thing on Ebaums World

"I love trojan horses"...Pig

"oo...I've always wanted a virus..."...Pig

"spongebob squaredick..."...Me

"What do I do when you give it to me?"...Pig

"What are you doing? Wanking my plait!"...Tab and Gary on the internet...

"I'm a new pokemon... tooma toom"...Me (yes I'm embarrassed!)

"My computer has a tooma"...Pig

"not a pickle"...a conversation me and Tab were bed ;)

"whats wiv the nines?"...Pig

"I'lll have 41 t for tooma"...Pig, about his breast size lol

"It's like a big round wotsit"..Pig decribing his pen...snack-a-jacks

"It's like mission impossible; im confused"...Me

"I love cheese..I bet your mate does"..Again, Tab and this random dude on the internet

"I keep dropping the crips"...Me

"oo a letter! Your not gonna write a letter to me are you?"..This guy from Hollyoaks, it was patronising and funny :)

"bird poo isnt birdpoo but its lumpy on inside"...Me

"king fish corrin worm"...Lol, Me...

"lord foster made a giant gherkin"'s official! It was on the BBC1 news, I found it hilarious

"bogeys bogeys pick it lick it roll it flick it dirty bastard lick my bum"...Corrin and Crap singing an ever so delightful song...*cough*

"ow he hit my chest"...Nicola

"Practise yoghurt, your lame"...Clur

"Whats black and white and eats like a horse? a zebra"..Good old Dad, originally from Peter Kaye

"Theres the ferraris, the mclarens and at the back all the crappy ones that never win anything"...Tabby's ever so delightful video

"You are too close too the guitarist"...Lettie's fanbloodytastic poster...I find it hilarious :)

"tickle the kipper"...I have NO idea why that was on my phone!

"toes and fingers are phillangies"...Dan

"Your eyebrows are like chocken feet"...Dan

Well that is all, so toodlepipxxxxxxxxxxxx