Monday, May 16, 2005

I love Kings Of Leon!

The Bucket is such a great song! Makes me so happy and I can't stop listening to it! art exam is finally done, Sir said I did "brilliant" on it. I bought the year photo today, it's all good. Got my business exam tomorrow, barbeque on Wednesday and my best friends hen night on Saturday!

I can't believe Lettie is getting married a week on Saturday! Well the hen night should be fun, we're meeting at hers at 7 on Saturday night, we're gonna get completely rat assed and the theme is fairies!

People may say she's being stupid, getting married at 16 and all, but I admire her. People shouldn't wait around, and plus! If it doesn't work out; there's always divorce. You see if it was me, I would worry about it. I don't take chances and I always regret saying no to something.

Well that's all.

Things on phone:
i am something that you will never comprehend...Lyrics from a Prince song I liked

Trouble - Pink...a song I wanted to download

Adam Zolitan...A fitty from the film "Jack" you know the one, when Robin Williams plays this kid who looks 40 when he's actually 10...yeah well Lewis is fit.

Or whatever his name is...

1 comment:

Jennlou said...

OHMYGOd how freakified, I fancied adam zolitan when I was about 10 and saw that film...I actually re-wound the credits to look at his name! He was my very first film crush :)
crazy crazy world!! Love ya chickengal, thnx 4 that letter u r sooo loverly!! xxxx