Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I'm looking to the sky to save me...

Life is good and life is great because I ate a pickle and farted.

God my arm really hurts, probably from holding the phone for 3 hours. I love being woke up by my phone at 11 almost everyday, if it ain't Crazy T it's Will, if it's not Will then it isn't anyone else because no one rings me.

Well yeah, I'm kinda arm-limping to type this, and I have bov because Will should be coming to pick me up dammit. I'm so bored and I crave nicotine :(

Toodlepip fatshits xxx

1 comment:

Jennlou said...

I ate a pickle once, but it didn't make me fart. did you know that if you never ever fart ever you are susceptable to human combustion? dude.