Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Don't even do that, I know why you're crying

Well yesterday was cool, went to Pig's and was joined by everyone!

I don't think I've had so much socialising in one night before. Well yeah, went to Mon's, was dreaming a little. Nicky text me asking to go skittles with her and Moley, so they picked me up and off we went. We went to the pub first and I met her mum. Then we went to skittles then Will text them saying that he wasn't playing. Great. So they found this random man to fill in his space.

There was these three guys there that appealed to me.

Guy Number 1
He looked like my very first boyfriend, Duncan Pooltan. However, I wasn't pissed so I didn't get the chance to drunkedly walk over to him and ask if it actually was him or not.

Guy Number 2
He was with a really gorgeous bird. But really gorgeous himself. When you see two gorgeous people together you can't help but be jealous. God I'm lame, he didn't even make eye contact with me :(

Guy Number 3
Actual fitty. He had a tatoo on his forearm, I've decided I really like them. I jsut really wanted to jump on him and take him seriously. He had a mohikan which was kinda dyed...rawr, really sexy!

Well yeah, after skittles Jess rang me so I met her from work. Then we came back to mine and watched this really good film.

Then I got her to massage my back before I slept, fucking ace man!

1 comment:

oliver41 said...

I have an inkling Wizzers back with his ex... :'(