Tuesday, June 01, 2004

My blister is pussing green shat

Well last night got better, Len came online and all that jazz. I don't care what people think of me now, you know why? Because it's me. And if people don't like that, they can shove it up there ass :). Well I couldn't sleep lastnight, due to all the hous pocus shat going on. So I tried to occupy myself throughtout the night, btu at 1 I started feeling sleepy lol, I'm so lame! So I slept with my sister Karen...
Jacob kept waking up and crying, so I thought "bov for this" and i went back into my bed at 7, I slept until 12. Since then I have discovered some kind of green mucous coming from my tumour, it's not pleasant. Well yeah, meeting Tab at four, should get cigarettes. Soz, you have to see this conversation:

Good Old Ouija Board says:
im gon get posessed lter
Jess - I'm not listening to Rusted Root... says:
i dnt fink u shud
Good Old Ouija Board says:
Jess - I'm not listening to Rusted Root... says:
cuz wot happens if ur tumour starts leaking green shat?
Good Old Ouija Board says:
then i laugh
Jess - I'm not listening to Rusted Root... says:
Jess - I'm not listening to Rusted Root... says:
Jess - I'm not listening to Rusted Root... says:

We should be going to Kri's after that. We should cheer him up and play with his purple stuff :)

That is all, toodlepipxxxxxxxxxx

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