Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Hey, soz bout yesterday. I was upset! Well nothing much happened yesterday, so I'll just write about today...
I got up at 5 3 8! oops! What can I say, i love my bed! Even though I wasn't even in my bed last night, my 27 year old sister, Helen was! I had to sllep with Karen (19 year old sister) and Baby Jacob. ALL night long I heard him breastfeeding, and I wasn't even allowed to text, how rude is that??? So yeah, Frankie came round, we walked to school and that was about it. School was just school. It turns out that yesterday when Russ was having a go at me about a text it was a different Jess, so I got an apology, WOOHOO! I've read over my blog and I seriously sound obsessed with Sammy don't I? Oh well, I got 3 jax things today with his pic on so try to figure out what's gonna be stuck on my wall...
I came home, AFTER WALKING BY MYSELF! I've never been so embarrased in all my life! I went into co op to get some munch and when i was queuing up to pay I just couldn't stop smiling. there was these 2 boys sitting down and full on staring at me, then there was a girl who did the same, I got freaked out so I ended up laughing to myself, I've gotta stop doing that! And to make things worse, my shoes and homocidal and they are trying to kill me, so I tripped up infront of the boys who were looking at me:(
Came home, put on false nails, then later realised I actually couldn't do anything with them on so after lots of agony I managed to take them all off. I then had a bath, watched wifeswap, then Graham Norton (Dude, that guy is SERIOUSLY funny!)
Well gota go, Sammy's actually talking 2 me! WOOHOO
Love Y'all

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