Thursday, August 11, 2005

And all you ever hear me say, is how I picture me with you.

I've actually cried! Last night I cried, like a big crying wooper! I think it's because I'm due on and I didn't have a fag yesterday, I still haven't today. I must go out today, it is my last day of freedom until the 21st.

Yes. I am going on holiday with the family. Can't wait I hear you say? YES.

That was me last year, I still love the blue Doritos. Actually love them.

I haven't had them for a while, because I'm trying to eat healthy but no matter what I do, the weight is NOT coming off.

So after an hour long phonecall from my sister yesterday, I must drink water instead of my beautiful tropical juice.
Well plans for today, none as yet. I will phone Tabby and then make her feel guilty so that she feels like she has to spend time with me.

Pig has the day off, but he may not feel like it. I feel so ill :( I should eat something...
I shall, I shall have a bowl of Fitnesse.

Well, I shall update this when I come back I guess. Actually, I don't want to leave it like this...I shall leave you with something that is lovely and will get you all thinking about life and stuff.

I was talking to my sexy Canadian friend, Geordie, last night. In his display picture he had it of a man who had killed himself. He had been very successful in his life; e.g enjoyed it. So then I asked why he had killed himself, and Geordie said this:

it ios kinda funny.... he killed himself because he wanted to. Once you've had all the fun you can have, theres no sense in going down hill

I thought it was great and inspiring. No I'm not going to kill myself if I have a great life...and my font is the same as his now :| Stop it!

Well, I hope this is enough for all you people. I might go shower, but eat first, and try to arrange my last day of socialising with my friends.

Toodlepip x


Anonymous said...

Thats really inspiring, but I havnt come to the 'climax' of my life yet. I tell thee. Just wanted to say that, Have a great holiday! xxx

saurav said...

have a great holiday....have fun...

jimmmer said...

Don't forget to write!

Thaozee said...

I find suicide a cop out. The fallout from suicide can only be measured in years.

Have a nice holiday