Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I am covered up in skin; no one gets to come in

Well, I woke up for rather late, considering the latest I woke up when I was on holiday was about 10...

I'm hot and sweaty, already had a great day so far, that's what Tab does to me. It's crazy stuff, I don't think a day has passed which I haven't thought about her, since we've been friends I mean.

So yes, I have admitted to a couple of people that I actually like Mcfly's new song, I love the verses, just not the chorus, it sounds too much like Mcfly...

So yes, plan for today: go to Pig's and show Tabatha and him how I have blossomed into a beautiful college chick...

Pah. Immaturity should live forever, poo poo x

1 comment:

jimmmer said...

I'd also be chuffed if i got a kiss from you!