Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Why do I always take it too far?

I never take things light heartedly, why do I take things so seriosly, then usually, from the situation, I make the people ahte me, now Pig's acting different. And because of a stupid argumnet Rik's got bov fro meeting me at Alton Towers, why am I such a twat! Arg! O well...just continue with life innit, it's just beena stressful day, I'm tired, not even to mention teh lack of nicotine. Well toodlepip xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Hunnies! I'm sooooooooooooooooooo sorry!

Wow! I think this is the longest I've been before without blogging! I'm so sorry but Tabb's introduced me to this new
Well better do my day then, I woke up, lol, got dressed and stuff, told my MoMmI I was getting bullied so I would be able to get a lift, no such luck, what a caring mother I have! Well I walked to school, it was boring, I can't believe Frankie didn't call for me, I got to school late, then Lettie told me the reason why Frankie wasn't there. She'd gone to see Blazin Squad with Jess Bate, but they didn't tell me because they'd thought I'd be jealous :|. Oh yeah! Cuz I can see my passion for the Blazers....

Well we had extended form time, so we were all generally chatting, my frined Michaela, she's sooooooo tiny! Corrin was joking around calling her anorexic, and that she had to go to the doctors because everytime she ate she felt sick, Michaela ran out of the room crying, she's just so sweet! I really hope she hasn't got anorexia.

Well form time came to an end, like all good things (sarcastic comment) then I went to my r.e lesson, where Alex decided to desert me again, :|. I sat by myself, writing continuously, it was er...boring?

Second lesson was art, we all had a go at Sir, when I say we I actually mean Anna and Sam. Yesterday Sam said my eyes looked esexy <3, I think I'm in love! Lol

At break LMAO! Me, Clur, Tabb and Jess met up then went to teh usual sitting/singing corner, and we held a sign asking for money, we raised 10p in the end! We even sang Baa Baa Black Sheep on behalf of Monkey/Pig boy's request. The song we sang the most though was Blink 182 - Miss You.

Third lesson was business, half way thorugh the fire bell went off, so I panicked and shut down all my stuff...without saving :@. Pretty boring lesson, Jodie was out the room most of the time, so I couldn't laugh at her eyes :P.

Fourth lesson was Science. It was cool..I got 10 stamps :D. It's because I kept getting answers right, back of the net! It was a pretty poopy lesson, I made my page into rainbow colours though! We left early, got told off, went back, came out.

At lunch me and Tabb went down spar and bought munchimoos, where we were greeted with Adrian John, Adrian John's new car and Bruiser <3. He's so cute! We got a lift back to school, where we just festered in the form rooms.

Last lesson was History, I found it hilarious! But Clur had much Bov, so much Bov infact that she used the word :O. And she also fell asleep...Well yeah, it was the end, and I walked home all by myslef, but the bastarded golferoonies diverted me a different direction, so I ended up walking past Meadow Drive :|, I got home, had roast (but with bacon ;)) Now I'm on here.

It's been great writing on here again, so tomorrow...(college!)
Toodlepip xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, March 25, 2004

It's raining...ah bad!

Well yesterday was was wet. MoMmI gave me a lift to school because of the History trip, it was illegal for me to go due to a consent form I didn't hand in...but I went anyway... it started off raining, the day was pretty poopy, me and Clur tried to pass the time by making words from the cars lisense plates, adn panicing quite often! Well yeah, because it was raining we had to go back to school, we was tehre for third lesson, English...just what I wanted.. :|

It was poo....

Fourth lesson was science, it was well funny! I was tickling Sammy's knee, trying to give him an didn't work, I've recently cut my nails :(, so better luck for tomorrow :)

At lunch I went safeways, was pretty poopy, and wet...

Last lesson was business, it was great :|

Came home, should be going out later, see what happens Toodlepip

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I need to change the air...

Well today's been cool, no more scary dreams! Lol. MoMmI woke me up at 8:00, brought me coffee, then as I waited for something, I fell asleep, till half eight, then I got a lift and Frankie told me about her calling for me but nobody answering! Lol...oops!
First lesson was only half,a s we had extended form time, this was cool, because me and Craig got talking, struth do I miss him! We were getting on just like old times, and I sure do miss them times! Well I went to the remainder of my lesson, which wa rugby, after putting on about 5 layers of clothing, we went out, and it was fun...after I'd been hit on the face with one of the balls, then Miss being hit :P, well yeah, we got to tackle eachother! I got Tabby on the floor...once, she got me many times though :(, then we all rushed back inside because it was raining....back of the net!
Secind lesson was science, it was cool, we were supposed to do work about farms, but we didn't! Me and Sammy were just occupied with stabbing my science book with compasses, drawing Daniel's family tree, and talking about old/random cartoons.

At break I went down donkey with Tabby and we had a little dream...went back to school for a great session of Miss Welham...

Third lesson...was with Miss Welham, it was pretty boring, well yeah, nothing els eot say about that. Fourth lesson was english, once again it was poopy, perv shouted at Jess, once again, didn't do coursework :S

At lunch, Tabby failed to meet me, so I attached myself to Michaela and Jade, they decided to stop and talk to Paula, so I went with Lucy, Stacey and Amanda, then I saw Lettie, who had fags :P, so I went with her, it was kinda ok, but they were scaring me with their lesbianisms.

Last lesson was maths, it was pretty funny because Tabby was dreaming, and talking a laod of random things! I discovered I had a mild case of Skitzophrenia...with Bob...and Not Bob. Sir also decided to open the window (even thought it's really ever so chilly down Cornwall), because he wanted to: Change the air
Then Clur just randomly said, amy I add this was in a maths lesson, Wow! I really have to run!

Well yeah...kinda weird, went Tabby's after school, then we went Pig's, accompained by Bo, then we had a dreaming session, while playing a lame game involving a flat netball ball, then we found Da, then Olly....I bought munch then went home, now I'm on here, tired and wanting to sleep...with College to look forward to tin teh morning...or not! Lol.

Toodlepip for now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, March 22, 2004

What Goo Goo Doll's Song are you?

I dunno why that's a title....but it is! The weekend was boring, I didn't have a fag Friday and Saturday, then Nips came round Sunday, so yeah!
Last night I couldn't get any sleep! I finally managed to sleep around 4, then I woke up at quarter past 7 due to a bad was sooooooooooo horrible!
Have you seen Erin Brokovich? Well it was that dude/the blonde one from Britney's toxic video, then there was two kids, a blond girl and a blond guy. The man was sitting on this small wooden frame, which was ontop of a rockery. The kids were telling me about their little baby sister, she'd been taken. Then I looked at the floor...and there was this shawl kinda thing, I picked it up...and said, What's this? The man just ran off... I shouted call the police! As from what he was sitting on was a bag...I lifted it up, and there was the baby, all water logged with blood dripping...I went in to the mother, and told her. She came out...grabbed the baby by the arm and said : This won't be good for my skitzophrenia... as she walked in the house. You just saw the babies head tilt to the side... it was so horrible! Water was pouring from it, and so was blood. I couldn't handle it!
Well yeah...Frankie came for me in the morning, was a nice walk to school. First lesson was Art, Anna didn't go, I think me and Lettie were being immature, but you only live once!

Second lesson was history, alot of work, I need to hand in my slip so I can go to Stratton, so yeah, that lesson was pretty poopy.

At break, I told almost everyone my dream...well I dreamt of a dead baby, it isn't normal!

Third lesson was science, me and Lettie had a laugh, we was writing to Sammy all the way through it, Lettie's found some old photos of me...nice! So I er....went to the opticians and ate....

Fourth lesson...opticians

At lunch, I went down Bencoolen Park with Tabby, Jenny and Loz :|, pretty poopy.

Last lesson was i.t, it was fun, but not as usual fun. Dunno why though. I'm going to Alton Towers April 24th, I'm excited and so's my crew! It's like a little reunition - is that a word? I meant reunion :$.

Well toodlepip

Friday, March 19, 2004

Do you reckon he nose? LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO

Well, I wrote loads yesterday, but my computer decided to take up the role of being a naughty chocken, and rested :|, so this is gonna be quite a long one! Let's see...Yesterday I walked to school by myself, Frankie had to get her wages, so it was reasonably ok, just a little weird to be by myself. In the morning I got 2 parcels, one was a Goo Goo Dolls from my larvely sister Monica, cheers hunny,a and another one was a huage advertisement for a Seat Leon.

I got to school, forgetting it was Corrin's birthday, then when Michaela did the whole, *cough cough nudge nudge* thing, I started singing to her.

First lesson was maths, it was well cool. On Tuesday night, me and Clur were on audio conversation, it was hilarious! So we had a really good laugh this lesson, Tabby Baby was naughty and was moved to the back, so me and Clur managed to break my calculator (we decided to because it had frozen for quite a long time), then fix it again, and then it worked :D Also, I told Tabby about the whole pirate conversation thing, she said: "Why couldn't I be added? It's because I don't like frigging the rigging isn't it?" had me in hysterics! Tabby has a pretty pink piece of paper, it's one of those things....Sammy walked past Sir, I said: he's taller than you! Sir: Yes, most people are! Me: I'm not *winks* I found out, Air has art :D.

Second lesson was History, it was hilarious! I can't remember why now...but it was funny! We're going to Stratton on 25th March.

At break I went up top with Lettie and Anna for a gaf, it was okay, I felt a bit out of place though!

Third lesson was food, it was cool, Lettie came to it, I'm glad she's coming back to more lessons. Pretty slack lesson, did hardly anything. But I wrote these down... Miss Menlove-Platts christian name is Demelza, but because Lettie's just teat tad bit ditzy, I told her it was Dildo, she believed me!
Ben: "Is it Salmonella?"
Miss: "No...that's chicken and eggs."
Me: "I know! Is it Salmonella?"
Miss: "No...."

Miss: "Why are chef's clothes white?"
Me: "To see bacteria!"

Fourth lesson was Business, it was ok, at the beginning I was laughing, because of what happened last lesson, I really did find it hilarious! Them Miss started saying about everyone's grades, she's constantly trying to set me the same work as Desra, then I do it, then she doesn't mention that I could get far, just Desra, Metal Pole Girl and maybe Lisa. But then at the end of the lesson, she apolagised because she forgot I was there :|

At lunch, wow! It was soooooooooo funny! Finally, after like, 4 days, me and Sammy went off for lunch, it started off well, it was raining, then we started laughing at something, which I actually can't remember! When we got there, I remember Sammy calling Robert Medland greedy, he had many bags of sweets. Then we bought a stick of bread, and Sammy tormented the lady who always has a nervous breakdown...about balloons. Then for some random reason, Sammy had to smack this guy's head with the bread... Then we sat in the cafe bit, and there was this baby sitting next to us, and it kept staring at Sammy...then when we laughed, so did it! Coming towards the end of lunch, it's Grandad came, and said: "Have you ate all your dinner... bla bla bla..."
You know, in that patronising voice? Me and Sammy looked at eachother and just couldn't stop laughing. So we left... on the way back, I tripped up :|

Last lesson was science, with Bradders, it was ok, I managed to sit next to Sammy, for about...5 seconds. I got moved, then me and Sammy were sending notes to eachother, and somehow Sammy had to leave, today he told me that Sir had raised his fist at him, I'll get the exact details another time, but he is sooooooooooooooo gonna get done!

I walked home by myself, stayed in, pretty poopy night.

I got a lift to school, it was pouring it down. Arrived at school, went down Donkey with Tabby and Frankie, had a gaf then we headed back up to school, that was when I noticed Tabby Baby had a hairy bottom.

First lesson was science, it was funny, my school computer has now mucked up! Me and Sammy showed Lettie the badger website, she found it mildly amusing. Then whilst she was rating people on hot or not, me and Sammy were on this, it was....different! But cute and funny....

Second lesson was r.e, Jess replaced Alex, it was an ok lesson, Miss wondered why I was so quiet, it was sweet, she's more like a friend than a teacher, I can't believe I just said that....... Lol! Jess said this REALLY loud..: Why does everyone where etnies? They're sucha dated shoe...I couldn't stop laughing, you should see the amount of people that wear them!

At break I went into the hall, I think Air saw me staring at him, oops! I was just with Clur, it was conversatinaless, lol, is that a word? I hugged her, and it seemed as though she was gonna cry :(, I've never seen her like that before!

Third lesson was maths, it was funny, really funny! Mr Register was bending over, and his ass was in Clur's face, Tabby came out with: Isn't Clur the lucky one? Then I heard a big bang, I jumped, and it turned out to be Lee Bickle banging his head on the table, then Tab attempted to... Then I noticed this HUAGE bogey (bright green too!) In Mark Hollingshead's nose, so I told Tabby, she urged, I told Clur, she said: Yes...thanks..., I told Sammy: eugh! That's gross.......then there's little immature me, laughing hysterically. Then...eugh! He wiped his hand against his nose, and it stretched! Then the next thing you know, he's gone to the toilet, and then, when he comes back, it's gone... Then I came up with the ever so larvely design of the game: Do you think he knows? LOL!

Fourth lesson was food, dude! This lesson was sooooo funny! Miss was using the cooker's as heaters, how cute! Lettie had me in stitches. She told me loads of jokes, here's some of them:
A man gets a phonecall from school saying that his son has been caught wanking in school. The dad goes home and goes upstairs...
Dad: Son! Did you know that if you wank too much it can make you blind?
Son: Dad....I'm over here!

A man comes to the doctors
Man: I keep getting this bad rash over my face
Doctor: Oh! I had it last week, what I did was rub it in my wife's fanny, it works!
Man: Oh thank you!

*one week later*

Doctor: I see it has worked!
Man: Yes, thanks. And by the way, I like your house!

Man #1: That man over there is claiming to of been in your class at school...
Man #2: That's funny, I don't remember a man who's bald with a beard in my class...

What do you call a sheep strapped to a lamppost in Wales? A Leisure Centre

There was a man, stranded on a desert island, for a very long time. Then a man said...
Man: I bet you were hungry
Desert Man: Yes
Man: I bet you were thirsty
Desert Man: Yes
Man: I bet you were horney
Desert Man: Yes, but I overcome this problem :D
Man: How? You were stranded by yourself for so long...
Desert Man: Yes, but once, I saw an Ostrich with it's head in the sand...
Man: Didn't it feel weird? Shagging an ostrich?
Desert Man: Well yes, it did for teh first 120 yards, after that I lost step!

At lunch, I went down spar with Tabby Baby, it was fun...eating.

Last lesson was history, it was good, me and Clur had laughs, with her furry folder :D, we're going on a trip soon :D

Well now, that just took me soooooooooooooo long to write! Well dunno what I'm doing tonight, I'll probably get dreaming *hopefully*


Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Today's been cool so far, woke up at 6:45, got ready then went to Corrine's, the bus journey was ok, I found Dan just a tad bit irrtating though! Got loads of funny stuff written on my arm already! So I'll try get rid of it now...
You were born in your schoolbag...Dan was trying to say I'M THE WEIRD ONE! Yeah alright.
You look like a deformed dog........ :-|
Me: Oh yeah...because deaf people can hear!
Stella: Yes

Gay people according to jews, are "a waste of the seed"
Sam: Just this second, people are having sex and catching aids..."
Stella: Just think...all those babies are being born with it...
Me: Just think...skiing......

Well I came home from college, went to Nippsipuff's and I had kjs, then we watched teh hustle thing, it's very good. Then we met up with Jade and Kaz.......hardly dreamed.

Bored now

Toodle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Feesh and chips!

Well todays been ok. Frankie got me in the morning, we walked slowly to school as she thought she was going to pass out. She was actually really doing my head in! She just never shuts up! I feel like such a bitch now! It's always: Do I look different today? Do you think my make up looks better? And it's just like...ARG!
Well we finally got to school...we had form time for 20 minutes at the beginning, so me and Russ had a long chat, he's going to be performing Blurry for the Union, not next week but the week after...I'm so excited! He says I have to scream...but I doubt I will!
Well that soon came to an end, so i went to the remaining 40 minutes of my R.e lesson, me and Alex had a chat, it was cool, he showed me this er...lovely poem on his phone:
Man: If I keep pinching your breasts, there will be no need for your bra :)
Woman: Oh! And if I keep pinching your penis, there'll be no need for the milkman.
I found it quite amusing...... Oh...and I asked him how to spell "throw"...he answered back with: Twat...
Second lesson was Art, it was funny, Tom had dreamer stuff on him, it was quite amusing as Sir had fihured this out, and we could smell was rather funny. Anna was doing weird things with her plaits.........
At break me and Tabby stared at Da and Air...I got Clur to get me 2 turkey burgers :D I consumed them...then went to my business lesson :|
Well it started off good...this random year 7 had touched Deesray's shoulder... it got me in the gigglymood! It was quite had to of been there! Then when we inside, we had to do typing tests, there's this girl called Jodie, and she's a bit know! And she asked Desra something, and Desra looked at her like really sympathetically! Jodie's eyes turned to me......they looked hilarious...searching for an and Desra just turned our heads...LMAO! Then me and Desra went to speak to eachother and Desra said the most funniest thing to me! She said: Did you understand any of that? LMAO! I was laughing all the way through the lesson! It was hilarious! I'm laughing now! And then you saw Miss trying it on with's disturbing!
Fourth lesson was science, we had good old bradders! I managed to sit next to Sammy, until he told me to look at Rob's was HUAGE! I was in was in an awkward I got moved :(
At lunch, me and Sammy were waiting for ages for Tabby and Clur, on the wait...Air hugged me! Ok...that's an over statement...he said hi! Ok....he smiled...oh! You got me...HE NODDED HIS HEAD! Wel yeah.I went down Donkey Lane with Tabby Baby, it was pretty poopy, I need fags! Lol.
In lunch form time Sir was saying about Work Experiance placements, Russ said that he wanted to work with Mr Bradsley's Wife :| It was funny at the time!
Last lesson! LMAO! It was history.......I've never laughed so much! Lol...I managed to write down some of the funny bare with me!
The woman thing......Metal Pole Girl describing the ever so great tranvestite dentist, who lives in Stratton :|
Sanddunes...LMAO! Miss said that Bude was a pile of sanddunes...I found it hilarious...
Hello I'm Bob!...I did an impression of a fish with my candy stick :D
Hello I'm bald!...I tried to find out what Bob sounded like..Miss then butted in and started to talk to us about our fondness of talking to our machines! Like screaming at computers, confessing love to guitars...or you could be like Clur's mum....and say thank you to vending machines.. :| LMAO I think it's sooooooooo cute! Can you imagine that? "Thank you"
Awwwwwww! Then Jess Martin :| Came out with: I don't know where I live!
And of course....
Gorgare...I don't have a clue what possessed Clur to write this, but she was supposed to write garage...she's disturbed!

Well I walked home with Michaela and Frankie, we saw the dude, Steve, and the dog (Megan) came up to Michaela, so she thought: hmmmmmmmm...whats the most common dog name that there is? Oh's WOOFY... :|, obviously I just made that commentry bit up then, but she said Woofy... and that's sad! Well college tomorrow :|
Toodle pip xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, March 15, 2004

LMAO! But why???

Well I woke up at half seven, dunno why though! Frankie came for me, we walked to school and talked about our weekends, it sounder like she er....had fun!
First lesson was art, I need to hand in my other piece of heiroglyphics homework, otherwise I'll have an afterschool detention, oh dear! It was a funny lesson, Luke er......was making strange noises, it sounded like a squorrel/dolphin, then he came out with this: How do dolphins and rats fuck? With a leaf It may not seem funny to you! But hell it was hilarious to me!
Second lesson was english, saw Jess had recovered nicely! Lol. Perv shouted at her again, I really do hate him! I also need to do an essay for him tomorrow...bov. trousers! You can't see them (obviously) but the other day Sammy was attacking them with a compass, so there's string flying everywhere because the heaters on, it looks really funny...anyway...... I saaw Nippsipuff come up to the window again, gave me a thumb up :).
At break I hung out with Michaela, Frankie and Jade. It was ok, apart from I was really hungry!
Third lesson was science. Sir drew on my hand :| me and Sammy did the usual, no work. He told me about the song he had made up, it was hilarious, then we tried one........but it didn't work! Lol
Fourth lesson was badminton. It was great! Because there was only 16 people we did this thing, we had to try to win a cup. We had to go in couple's then play against eachother, me and Tabby lost against Frankie and Nicola, so we had to play in the "loser" game, for the plate. Well me and Tabby kicked ass, and sure as hell! We won :D. Then we played the cup winners and lost, 6-1.
At lunch, I went with Michaela and Frankie, it was ok. Managed to talk to Kurt about teh whole "Air" situation going on, Little Miss Sexy Detective has worked a few things out ;)
At form time it was hilarious! There's this guy called Barry, who no one likes, Sir had to read him something out and it went like this: LMAO!
Sir: Barry
Random person: IS GAY!
Sir: You've got to go to...
Random person: A FIT FARM

Last lesson was maths, I sure do have ALOT of things written on my here it goes!
Peedlepoo.......what Tabby said
Its a kite..ITS A RHOMBUS....Sir said it's a kite..but it was blaitently a kite!
If you can't push on, push and Sir made up a song ;)
Tabby seemed to find it hilarious that I asked: What would happen if I broke the calculator? She answered'd break it :|
I heard Russell's eyes light up.........a brainer of a comment from Mr Register.

Well got a lift home with Frankie, after all the usual kebaboffle

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom oohhh it's a snake..........

Well it's been a radical weekend, bov for explaining! I'll just leave the notes I've left on my phone:

Heaven's no! I'm a's been on there for a while, a famous quote from "Chicken Run"
Saturday April 21 2068 ...the day in which I'm supposed to die
Dave Sheridan..I think it was a random good looking actor
Finch - What It Is To Burn....a song my friend wants me to listen to
J551GGE........ a lisense plate that reminded me of Rik :$
Wilbert Franklin McCaughy...... the name of the toad that me, Nippsipuff and Pig found wouldn't believe how much fun me and Lettie had from this!
Dipsydoodle noodles......a name of a "deal" on the ver so great game, Pay Day
And then I see you standing there, wanting more from me and all I can do is try...lyrics from Nelly Furtado's new song, recommended!
I said Lettie, you gotta learn to give head, because Oko, is expecting fits in with Oasis - Wonderwall, when it says: I said maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me.........
I want chocken! I want liver! meow mix meow mix please deliver..a fanbloodytastic soundboard of Dr Evil.....check it out:
Barbaras birds big bite for when ur feeling peckish....another Pay Day deal
William C.Hockin...the name of a company on the way to Barnstaple, read the naem again.........
our lil secret is tgat it aiou mine mine its urs...........something I said to Nippsipuff......translated, I think it means : Our little secret is that it isn't mine, it's yours..............
they werd dreminp bout marage then he was rik on ger hame n he manqted flowas n sun4qine..again...I think it was another mental note to myself, translated, I think it means: They were dreaming about marriage then he was sick on her hand, and she wanted flowers and champagne (I don't know why I put sunshine! But I remember that conversation....)
wen b nhey met pokey.......YES! I wiped my bogey on Nippsipuff's Pokey Pokey....Translation: When Bogey met Pokey
open the eyes oe my hart sun 2 c ju gi n liftde as we sing suma..LMAO! I made a song to the Sun! Although I changed the words from a Christian song, translation: Open the eyes of my heart sun, open the eyes of my heart, I want to see you... to see you high and lifted up, shining in teh power of Glory, pour out your power and love as we sing summer summer summer...
he sukd thd oump.....Pig sucked a lump, as I was dreaming, I found this hilarious!
longest drag 8 secomdr...longest drag on a fag was 8 seconds, by Pig, me and Nippsipuff gagged on 5
gm in lnve wiu thore guzr....I was just staring at Nippsipuff and Pig, and I thought, (translation): Im in love with those guys!
he was in the place we were going ty.....a brainer of a comment about Nippsipuff, amde by Pig: He was in the place we were going to!
he went there afta the man bhd walhnd pas......Nippsipuff went to change the money in the arcade, he walked up the the desk even when the man blaitently just walked past him :|, translation: He went there after the man had walked past.

Well that's all folks, so until next time

Toodlepip xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Um....what would be appropriate? Tabby was kis...kickboxing

School was cool, went home to Tabby's house. We got ready, then went to Jade's, I felt awkward because I don't usually hang out with them, so I only knew Jess and Tabby! We went to Safeways, then back to Jade's where we ate, danced and drank. We then went out, supposed to be going into Bude, but we didn't make it! And we ended up staying at some random persn's house, at this time Tabby had managed to kiss most of the party, infact all the party apart from Jade and Roxy, so basically she had kissed
Sarah L
Sarah B

Then this random guy who walked past, called Ben
Then when we got to the house, she kissed Kayleys boyfriend Brad, but Kayley said it was alright.
Jess spewed all over herself, I saw Letty, Alana, Hollie and Rich, so I said hey.
We then went into Bude, went down Budelight adn saw Nips and his crew, Tabby pulled Wilson.
Then I walked home, then she came back to mine.

Bov for writing everything, but I think I've found a not so much new love fo my life!
Toodle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, March 11, 2004

We discover Daniel's "extra" feature...

Well today's been well cool. Because I now have broadband, I got a bit carried away last night and stayed on until half 11, so at midnight I had a shower! Then I slept....

Frankie came for me in the morning, then we headed out on our expedition to school, it was ever so chilly! We got there late, so I had to stand by the door, which was embarrassing because my hair was all over the place, and people laughed because that's how hardcore my form group is.

First lesson was history, which was great because me and Clur got to talk, and have a laugh.

Second lesson was maths, I thought it was great, but there's tension between Clur, Tabby and Mr Register, I discovered Sir loves the Cha Cha Slide, so I sang it to him, he told me to shut up :(

At break, I went to the hall with Tabby Baby and we bought munchimoos, I met up with Jess and we headed off to English together.

English was great! We had to go to a separate room and we talked through th script, I'm Simon, which has been feminised to Simone, oh we have such great imagination! In this lesson Jess decided to ask Chang whether he had a small penis, then he asked why and she said that I told her :|, everyone knows that the average size of a Chink's cock is 3 inches! Ask Nips...he seems to be the expert. Jade Morgonator told me that she liked my eyeshadow...nice!

Fourth lesson was science, it was hilarious! Sammy discovered Dabiel's "Uno-Brow", he's drew a diagram of it in my book, it's hilarious! Don't ask why...but we work in eachother's books...this is what I recently discovered is what he wrote in my book:

It's often important to know the real size of things through the microscope structure is needed when measuring Daniel's thing. When you look down teh microscope at Daniel's fing, you would have to clamp your mouth together incase you cry with laughter abd get a log sheet from Mr Ryan. It is nessesary to use the most magnifying lense you can find, because of the small siza of his thing. Please do not view this specimin enless you have a strong stomach


He also decided to pick at my trousers with a compass...loose threads are everywhere...then he started on my jumper...

At lunch me and Tabby Baby went to Safeways, it was extremely chilly, we sat in and got chips, then we went back to see Luke with the ever so famous fart machine.

Last lesson was Business, pretty poopy, I HATE MY COMPUTER, it resets, then doesn't come back on, then when it does, it doesn't load the screen properly...GREAT STUFF!

Got a lift home with Frankie, it started snowing, later I'm going out with Nippsipuff and Pig, I'll write more tomorrow, or I won't...I'm going to Jade's party

Toodle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Woopdy doo...I've got broadband...

Well today's been one of many fine days. I stayed round Corrin's last night, I then discovered how great is actually is to be single. Me and Corrin stayed in her Mum's bed. It was great...

We woke up nice and early for college, met Chrissy and went off to the bus...the journey was long, but since when hasn't it been? We got there...the usual poopy kind of stuff. I've finished my ssignment, and it needs to be typed up. So I will do it. I've also got a photo of me with hair...I traded the other one of me with Danielle's pic. It's great...she's now on my wallet...and will soon be on my wall.

After college I went to Nips, where we moved his computer and had kebabs, I ate his...

We went to Pig's and it was great...shooting a penguin...I could do it the furthest, being on webcam, oh the life of being a teenager! I think me and Pig gto on really well today, great stuff.

Well nothing else to report apart from the ever so relaxing journey home with Nips in his ever so lovely car listening to Queen, struth I sure did feel good!

I'll DEFINATELY write more tomorrow
Toodle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Dipsydoodle Noodles...

Well I just wrote loads and it just deleted it...but hey! Put a smile on your face and everything will be alright. Well as I've already written...I'm just missing everyone. I just really hate what I've become, it's breaking my heart to see all my friends grow up and move on, I feel like i'm the one being left behind, I don't ever want to stop the friendship we have, I suppose I have Peter Pan-Syndrome! I guess I just love them so much! I never wanna let them go! So here's a personal note, to all of my group, don't be offended if you're not mentioned, it just means I don't love you :P

Babe! I love you so much! You're without a doubt probably the one I'm most closest too. I just can't stand to see you hurting. I hope you know I would do anything for you, you're family is mine, I just miss you all so much! It's just it seems like I'm only with you when you have no one else to call. I just don't want to only be your friend in that way, I respect you so much than that. Please babe, you don't realise how much I need you right now.

You're always there for me, I suppose it's because I brought you to the group, I love you! Lol, that's pretty much all I have to say, I wanna say thank you, it seems as thought you're the only one who seems to bother with me nowadays, and I never wanna say goodbye to you.

Well thats just about it for tonight! LMAO! Yeah I know but Clur's come online, and I've missed her!lol, well I'm gonna talk to her, because I respect and love her xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnow go talk to your friends lol! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, March 05, 2004


Well this has been what we like to call: "successful"...Or not...toodlepip xxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, March 04, 2004's me....the slack blogger :(

Hey...sorry I can't keep you up to date quite as often as I used to...but life had finally catched up with me, and it's bad!

I didn't go to college, because the whole nation (apparantly) had a test, so I had to do it. School was ok, after I went to Letty's house, watched the videos when we were singing to Avril Lavigne, it was scary! Because it was Alana's birthday yesterday we had cake :D, I had about a quarter of it...I felt sick! Then I met up with Pig and Nips, we went to Bude, I'm so freaked out by how much they spend on gambling machines, they could of won soooooo many 20ps that night, but no! They had to settle with the jackpot...*tuts*
I went back to Letty's house, I must admit, hey boyfriend is definately one of my favs!

Thursday (today!)
Woke up, walked to school with Letty, then sat down in form, to see Kristie was at school, so Letty deserted me. But I was happy to see an ever so lovely looking Tabby Baby.

First lesson was Maths, it was ok, apart from Sir pointed out that all last night when I was studying really hard on "maths coursework" I'd done the wrong bit :|. So I have to do the RIGHT one tongiht for tomorrow, but I am d=gonna do it, for him I'd do anything ;).

Second lesson was History, Clur decided to fianlly come, but then she desrted me again :(, she had guitar practise, or is it practics? I dunno...ask Mrs Welham

At break me and Tabby Baby went to the hall, I got a quid off Tilzey and bougth a pasty :D, great stuff

Third lesson was food, I actually behaved! I did all my work, I 've worked very hard today, I'm so proud of myself! And and Ben...DID NOT FIGHT :O

Fourth lesson was business, it was mildly amusing because Ryan sat next to me, he's fOoNy.

At lunch...LMAO! Me and Tab were moneyless, fagless and had knowhere to go, and nothing to we just like, pestered round everyone, it was highly

Last lesson was science, I was pissed with Letty, but hey, I'll get over it, Bradders got rab...again. It was, yet again, mildly amusing.

I got a lift h ome with Frankie, I sooooooooooooooo overpower her!
Frankie: Jess you aren't getting a lift
Me: Yes I am
Frankie: No your not
Jess:Yes I am!
It goes on like that for ages... then when her Mum's there, I cower and decide to finally agree with Frankie, and I walk...then Frankie calls me over to the car, it's like that everyday, I wouldn't change it for the world...yeah I'm sad...but I love life!

Well meeting Tabby Baby and Pig tonight, probably Nippsipuff aswell...depends how he feels.

Toodle xxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Well it deleted my Sunday entry, which was just the usual really, we went to church, went swimming, saw a guy who was a little hairier than usual, went to Jax, thats about it!

First lesson was Art, pretty cool. Asked Letty about her asking my SISTERS BOYFRIEND TO SLEEP WITH HER!! Apparantly it isn't true, but why would he lie about it???

Second lesson was English, we watched more of the film, getting good! Well not really...but hey!

At break we went down Donkey, Tabby didn't come to school, so I spent the day with Letty.

Third lesson was Science, I was able to sit next to Sammy (finally!) we had to do stuff with this bacteria, and I stupidly touched my belly button with it, so I'll probably growing hair out of it!

Fourth lesson was p.e, we did Badminton, it was great, I managed to get a shuckcock, and it's on my bedroom windowsill :D

At lunch I went up to Safeways with Letty, Kristie and Anna, which was weird because they've all kissed eachother!" Actually to clear the record... KRISTIE DID NOT PULL ANNA! It was alright, but I didn't feel as though I fitted in, but hey!

Last lesson was maths, it was ok, apart from I was getting scared about the whole "Clur and Sammy throwing pencils at eachother" thing...Sirs ass was looking great though!

I got a lift off Frankie (in the end!!!) and I went into my house, and did nothing. I tidied a bit of my room, watched "Three's a crowd" thing, Finn was sooo fine!

At night, Karen greeted us with the Finding Nemo dvd, GREAT STUFF :D:D:D:D:D

Todays been ok... Frankie came for me in the morning, Mum wouldn't give me a lift, so I took the car keys with me, so she couldn't go anywhere...

First lesson was R.e, but we had extended formtime, which was pretty poopy, because my nose kept stinging for some reason and I couldn't stop sneezing! ...After 20 minutes I went to R.e, for once, BOTH ME AND ALEX LAUGHED, we were talking about teh Simpsons, he actually enjoyed my company! Do you know how happy thatmakes me feel? How desperate do I sound????

Second lesson was art, it was funny! We were decorating our pathetic excuse of a folder (it's paper folded in half :|) well yeah, Sam tried drawing a mouse, then this happened...
Anna: That looks like those sugar mice things!
Sam: Oh yeah! The ones made outof chocolate Sam! The ones made of sugar....

At break me and Letty went down donkey, had a fag, went back for thired lesson

Third lesson was business, it was ok, but pretty boring.

Fourth lesson was science, I really wanted to go skitz, dunno why though! There were pickled snails and pickled frogs at the back, it was gross! Kayleigh had a fart machine, it was really funny, Sir kept looking at us really disgustedly!
We kept running out of the lesson aswell...but I got my work I'm a good girl really :p.

At lunch I went with Letty and Anna....pretty poopy

Last lesson was Hostory...was ok.

Got a lift home with Frankie. Enough said.

Toodle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx