Well today's been well cool. Because I now have broadband, I got a bit carried away last night and stayed on until half 11, so at midnight I had a shower! Then I slept....
Frankie came for me in the morning, then we headed out on our expedition to school, it was ever so chilly! We got there late, so I had to stand by the door, which was embarrassing because my hair was all over the place, and people laughed because that's how hardcore my form group is.
First lesson was history, which was great because me and Clur got to talk, and have a laugh.
Second lesson was maths, I thought it was great, but there's tension between Clur, Tabby and Mr Register, I discovered Sir loves the Cha Cha Slide, so I sang it to him, he told me to shut up :(
At break, I went to the hall with Tabby Baby and we bought munchimoos, I met up with Jess and we headed off to English together.
English was great! We had to go to a separate room and we talked through th script, I'm Simon, which has been feminised to Simone, oh we have such great imagination! In this lesson Jess decided to ask Chang whether he had a small penis, then he asked why and she said that I told her :|, everyone knows that the average size of a Chink's cock is 3 inches! Ask Nips...he seems to be the expert. Jade Morgonator told me that she liked my eyeshadow...nice!
Fourth lesson was science, it was hilarious! Sammy discovered Dabiel's "Uno-Brow", he's drew a diagram of it in my book, it's hilarious! Don't ask why...but we work in eachother's books...this is what I recently discovered is what he wrote in my book:
It's often important to know the real size of things through the microscope structure is needed when measuring Daniel's thing. When you look down teh microscope at Daniel's fing, you would have to clamp your mouth together incase you cry with laughter abd get a log sheet from Mr Ryan. It is nessesary to use the most magnifying lense you can find, because of the small siza of his thing. Please do not view this specimin enless you have a strong stomach
He also decided to pick at my trousers with a compass...loose threads are everywhere...then he started on my jumper...
At lunch me and Tabby Baby went to Safeways, it was extremely chilly, we sat in and got chips, then we went back to see Luke with the ever so famous fart machine.
Last lesson was Business, pretty poopy, I HATE MY COMPUTER, it resets, then doesn't come back on, then when it does, it doesn't load the screen properly...GREAT STUFF!
Got a lift home with Frankie, it started snowing, later I'm going out with Nippsipuff and Pig, I'll write more tomorrow, or I won't...I'm going to Jade's party
Toodle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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