Friday, December 05, 2003

Hey guys, I can't remember how to edit the top bits so here's my address if I don't know you and you like the sound of my life... (If your really that sad!!!) Only joking ! Well todays been really horrible, first lesson was science. Sammy wasn't there at first then when he did come he completely ignored me and was being well ignorant so I tried to get on with the day, but it just wasn't happening! . Second lesson was r.e. Jess and Alex weren't there so I had to do the revision notes all by myself whilst everyone else was in groups, don't you just hate it when your the one left looking like a twat? I've had it all my life so it seems a natural process, actually I've suffered from most things in my life. That's probably why I'm such a depressed sad cow. Break was, well break! It was poo, Sammy ignored me, no surprises there! Third lesson was maths, Sammy bunked it and I did loads of work, me and Tabby are slowly melting the old punjabski by singing, he actually smiled today! . Fourth lesson was food and I made a swiss roll, me being me put pink food colouring in it. It turned out great and I got a b+ for it! WOOHOO! At lunch I met up with and (he he) and we went up safeways, saw Sammy of course, he was with his Dudhi friend Kerry. We went and on the way out Clur got chud, cheers bud! That was just for Tabby! lvoe you lots like jelly tots! , yeah anyway! I saw the cd that they were "currently playing" and outkast was on, so we requested it, we then spent the next 3 mins or so "browsing" the maltesers.. We got out and Clur seemed to be walking awfully slow, we then figured out it was because Sammy was behind.. nice! We got back into school and I was so pissed off I wanted to cry, I could actually feel my eyes filling up . But I managed not to! Last lesson was with Clur. I can't handle all this. Sammy has just come online. He can't be bothered to tlak to me, his so called mate, but he can to Clur. Dude I hate everyone. Apart from Tabby of course. Everyone is two faced only cares about themselves, thats including me! I know I'm a bitch and I can face up to it. I really can't handle this. Yesterday when I said I get upset what I meant to say is that everyday I'm getting more jealous, more bitchy and that's what's making me ugly, I don't care aout my physical appearance, if people say I'm ugly i can live up to that, I can't change the way I look, I can't change my personality. So I don't know where this is leading but I hate him, and I love him, it's like that Stacey Orrico song, I hAtE yOu BuT i LoVe YoU, cAnT sToP tHiNkInG oF yOu, ItS tRuE iM sTuCk On YoU, Tabby just sent it to me! Well I 'm gona go die now, Tabby see you Monday hunny! lol. Dying would be great right now but living is the game so I got to play it, I guess I've just landed on mayfair with a hotel...
Bye guys and take care
Jess xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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