Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Todays been, well tiring! Another day which I can rate 10 out of 10! When me and Frankie went to school today her mum picked us up, she has road rage, it's funny! . Well, we got to school and first lesson was p.e, so obviously me and Sammy were gonna bunk down Lettys. Clur was gonna come aswell. But as we were on the way we saw Mr Tilzey... lmao!!! I keep finding really funny pictures, sorry! Come on, look at the poor little things face... one eyes bigger then the other! Well he saw us so we went back to the lesson. I had hockey, it was ever so chilly . Well just to conclude what I always have thought... I AM THE BEST!!! I was the only one who scored a goal for my team . I screamed, but I couldn't of done it without my team... you got that right! I could of got more than 1 if I hadn't been put with those lowlifes... I mean.. HI! Second lesson was art . Anna decided to completely destruct our little dude, he now has no arms , so I took him home with me, where he can keep his head! It was ok in that lesson, not as fun as last time though! At break I was waiting for Clur and Tabby for ages, then I finally found them in the hall. So I hung with them. Third lesson was science, Sammy thought it was really funny to tye my arms up, usually when he does this to me I can get out of it, but he did it really tight. I had to ask Mr bradbury to get me out! he he.. I mean... yeh... Well fourth lesson was food. It was ok. I was on the computers emailing Michaela, Frankie and Tabby. There all great people! At lunch we went to Safeways, I had a nervous breakdown half way across the playground when I noticed that my scraf wasn't round my neck . So I checked my bag and it wasn't there, so I screamed , then as we walked back into school I remembered I had had it confiscated . So we continued on our way to Safeway, Tabby didn't like the fact her parents were there... ok??? We got our stuff then Sammy came, he pissed Tabby off so we all followed her and we went back to school, on the way though we had fags and Sammy burnt flies... . We got back into school, after I had been thrown at every angle there possibly is, Sammy finds it amusing that I clap when I trip up, IT MAKES ME BALANCE OK??? Well last lesson was english, me and Jess had loadsa laughs because we had to make up limerics, mine didn't make sense but hers were hilarious. Well I've written too much! Oh yeah, last night I was on the phone to Sammy for hours, and I'm not exagerrating either! We were talking form 7:00pm till 2:00a.m! His phone got blocked, very funny! And we talked about every subject there is to cover! Incuding gay porn and tellytubbies... I even spoke to his dog!!! She's great... MABLE!!! Well yeah, after school I went to Letty's because she made me promise, so I got to hers and no one was there so I rang her and she was in Plymouth. So I decided to walk home, and Sammy had an afterschool so I hung round for a bit, yeah I'm wierd, but I'm also lonely! Well he came out and we wen to see his nan, then he deserted me!! I walke dhome all by myself! Well I've got a chinese... so I better be going, love you all
Jess xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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