Well guys, what I had predicted has come true! Sammy likes Clur, Clur likes Sammy, if Sammy asks her out, she's gonna say yes. Great innit??? Well I'll write what's happened over the last couple of days...
Tuesday: On Monday night Sammy asked me if Clur likes him, so me being me fell out with him. Later on I text him saying that I was sorry. He said it was alright. Later on that night he text me agin saying that he does like Clur and that he's sorry if it hurts me, what else is it going to do??? I'm not as pissed off as I was before, then Tuesday came...
First lesson was R.e with Alex, it was kinda fun. We had to watch this really lame video about some people who lived in the rainforest, it said on the video that by the time it's 2003, most of the rainforest would of disappeared because of them, *cough* well it's nearly 2004 sweetie's, so they're probably dead, sorry to say it . Second lesson was art, it's got really cool now! We're making 3d statues with toilet rolls... the fun!!! At break I dunno what I did! Oh yeah, I stood outside the next lesson I had, then I told Clur to meet me for lunch...
Third lesson was Business and Communications. It's getting a lot better now! Fourth lesson was Science, YEY SAMMY! ... or so I thought... He didn't turn up so I rang him and he was in the sick room with Clur, so me being the interfearing bitch that I am tolf them I was on my way. When I got there they was all giggly giggly and oh, lets put dead locks in Clur's hair kinda thing. So I went. I got back to the lesson and because I was so pissed off I sat my friend, Liza, down and told her the situation, little did I know Sammy was behind... oops! She gave me a big hug though, I love her! . So when Sammy came back in I tried to ignore him, but I blaitently didn't! He's just too much of a sweet person! I said to him that I hated him so he kinda did this wierd hugging thing, and he said, if you hate me then why aren't you letting go of my hand, I laughed and he walked off, I still held his hand though! He went off for lunch and I went too. I met up with Clur, Letty, Jade adn Roxanne and we all went up Safeways, but we kinda all did our separate things. I told Clur that Sammy likes her, and to much of my disappointment, she soundded interested. Great, she said she well, I've already written it! But Roxay, being the darling that she is said that I suit him more! Yey! Someone's on my side!!!! Well we got back to school and I saw Sammy, so I did what I had to do and I told him about Clur. It just really hurt me to see him so happy about it, yeah I must be one fucked up bitch, not being happy for one of my best mates, but it felt like my heart was choking. I said that I didn't wanna be friends with him anymore and he tried hugging me but I pushed him away. You know what hurt the most though? He said he can't force himself to like me. I wasn't asking him to do that though, I just don't want to see him with my so called mate when all I can think about is, that's what I wanted, that's what I've been working so hard to get.
Last lesson was history, with Clur. But I sat with Chris and she sat by Luke. I had to go out half way through the lesson though, we had already done the work so we got to make a presentation on Edward Jenner, but we never got round to do it... My cow was amazing, many people said it looked like a pig!
I picked Letty up from Miss Hughes office and we walked home. We got home and Alana had a craving for colourings books and pens. So we went into Bude for her, I saw Sammy's colouring pens and it made me really down . We got back to hers and we just chilled out. Later I had a bath.. it was great!
Wednesday: Today's been soooooooo good! I woke up thinking I was going to college with Alana. So when my alarm went off I went into her room and woke her up, she said to come back in 2 minutes so I got changed and before I put my make up on I went back in. I said; Alana, you ain't gonna go are you? She said no so I thought about it.. I wasn't gonna go either! So I went back into bed, unable to sleep, adn then Chrissy phoned me at half 7. I cancelled her though! I do wierd things when I'm half asleep... Later my alarm went off at 8. This was the first time I'd gone into school on a wednesday! And it felt great. Stright from the start I felt good vibes. I thought I'd get a bollocking from Tilzey for not going, but he was completely angelic .
First lesson was my first ever s.e lesson. We learned about sexually transmitted diseases... GREAT! Second lesson was food. They were making bread so I helped my worst enemy, Nicola, and I made a chicken in her bread... At break I hung with Tabby, She's back at school! YEY! You don't know how much I've missed her! We went to my form because maths was next and that's where Miss Murphy's room is. Mr Register came in and told me to see Mr Tilzey, so I walked to his office and he took me inside... He said that because things were changing round I'm going to be able to go back to my old maths group, you don't know how happy I was!!!! It was great. But Sammy went home cuz he was ill, which sucked because I had maths with him, then the lesson after that was science... it turned out poo cuz he wasn't there! At lunch I went up Safeway's with Tabby, we bought an advent calendar and we saw Martin! We came back and not much else happened really. Well I've written way too much. So until next time...
Take care folks, and I love Y'all, yes that is including the perve who wanks over thinking about me everynight, it ain't never gonna happen sweetie!
Oh yeah, SAMMY I LOVE YOU, what's Clur got that I ent? Apart from a personality, good looks and tits?
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