Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Yep! Cuz you're hardcore...

Well todays been pretty cool. I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning! Frankie didn't come get me, so I walked to school listening to Blurry.
First lesson was art, I'm sooooooooooooooooo behind! I have to do a whole project, but I'm doing good on the new one so yey!
Second lesson was english, I was completely ignored, I hate that teacher, if I get really bad results I'm gonna blame him, I had to ask 3 times for a piece of paper, and at the end of it, I had to get it myself, because he still didn't listen!
At break we just bought mumnchimoos, Corrin's gone to Nottingham, so I won't be meeting her at breaks! lol
Third lesson was science, it turns out that Sammy doesn't hate me, just "dislikes me intensly" so I guess it ain't all that bad...
Fourth lesson was p.e, we had the "talk" YEY free tampons!!!!
At lunch me, Tabby Baby and Nippsipuff went up to Safeways, it was ok, not exactly "the best" but it wasn't bad either...
Fifth lesson was maths, all through the lesson me and Tabby Baby were begging Russ to give us back the video we had made, in the end Mr tilzey had to force it out of him, he was extremely annoyed!
Well I came home, ate a little, went online and Nips kept asking Pig out for me! It was really embarrassing...
Nothing else has happened really
Bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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