Thursday, January 08, 2004

Hey! Well todays been pretty good! I'm actually starting to enjoy life again... scary! I got a life to school from my mum. In the "banging" metro, still cool though! Until she stalled outside the embarrasing! As I went it I saw Letty and Tabby. First lesson was History, we were doing germ theory, there's this guy called Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, he's my idol! And I also poked Clur's hand, all great fun! Second lesson was Maths, Me and Tabby have this thing going on that throughout the day we'll write requests for the over person to write in our blogs, I'll put hers at the end... I can't really say what happened in Maths because it was highly hilarious so Tabby put most of it in the requests! At break we just went in the hall, Letty had gone home with Clur (Edwards) so she wouldn't be back for the rest of the day. English was boring, Perv moved me away from Jess, and kept doing this wierd lip thing at me... I was on a roll! I wrote loads! Science was the next lesson, I'd been looking forward to it all day! My chance to finally speak to Sammy. I just like sat next to him and hoped for the best. Speaking to Daniel ended up me and Sammy in stitches talking about playing badminton with Babies dressed up as a shufflecock. Then he did this cross-eyed thing, he looked sooooooooooooooo funny! After that we dropped our bags off then met Tabby, Clur and Dave. We all went up Safeways, Sammy kept splashing me! Safeways was pretty funny... finally I've had a cookie! They are still obsessed with my tomato ketchup phobia, they keep attacking me with it. We all had a laugh and at when we were just aboutt o leave he got handfuls and handfuls of mustard and vinegar! So Tabby picked someof them up and put them back, then we left, we're gonna get in poo!
We walked back and it started hailing! And Sammy still found it funny to splash me... last lesson was business, boring boring boring.
I walked home in the rain by myself, it looks like a night in again, with my only and lonely self.

Tabby's Requests

"Mama - ooohooohooo - didn't mean to make you cry, if im not back this time tomorrow carry on because nothing really matters..."

There was a biased question in maths, it said which subject does so-and-so do the best in, then it gave fractions, surprise surprise, the answer was maths... I bet if they had that question in english the answer would be english...

When you give people your number do you say o, zero or nought? I say o (as in the letter) as a number...

Team B is better!

Dooby Dooby Dooby

Sir put my number on the board, he put 3-5-6-7-9, so I told him, Tabby found this hilarious...

I can't put a smiley here, sorry hun, but my Smiley Central has gone somewhere...

Are you gay or something?

Right this is a very cruel and sick joke, but Tabby loves it and so I must write it...
A dad and daughter were watching tv, on a film the people were having sex, the daughter says to the dad, whats that daddy? He goes, I'll show you when your mums gone to bingo...


A friend of mine is huage! So he has to sew a blanket onto his other blanket to keep his feet warm when he goes to bed, Tabby, yet again, found it hilarious.

Tabby forgot she had a boyfriend, and so did I! So I asked her to pull an ugly munter friend (which may I point out is none of the above apart from a friend)

Peel a guy

LMAO! I asked sir if the ring on his finger was his wedding one, he said that is was, so I said whos the lucky lady? He answered with my wife... I couldn't stop laughing!

LMAO! The bitch of maths was playing a game on the board, everyone was yelling advice to her, Tabby suggested one, she said: but then I'll lose! and Tabby goes... EXACTLY!
all funny
I g2g now

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