Well tonight's been such a "cheer up" I met up with Ian and Pig, then we calle don Tabby, then we went back to Ian's. We saw the photos we took the other day, they are well funny! Tabby seems to find the one with me wearing skiing goggles hilarious...
We watched this really disturbing french thing, Muzzy. Ian seems to love, Pig too, I just found it incredibly scary! Especially the singing dude on the bike, and the guy with the big green nose, and of course Muzzy! Then Letty came over. Then we had to walk Tabby home, so we went the scary way! Dropped her home, Pig went home. Then Letty walked me back. I need to add this, tabby had another blond moment, it was hilarious! On the "Muzzy" thing all these little people started climbing out of the helicopter, Tabby came out with : "Like they could really all fit in that envelope.." helicopter Tabby, helicopter... O I love her!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
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