Well I have LOTS to write, so prepare yourself for mixed emotions... wait I have to tell you what I mean when I say that... It's like seeing your mother-in-law driving off a cliff... in your new beamer...
Well first off, I need to write how funny it was yesterday. Me and Iand left to see Tabby, I can now officially say that the Metro has not died!!! No, it was mended by nothing other than... BLACK TAPE!!!Oh the joys of having a pathetic but yet cute car... We went to Letty's and then she came out with us for a while, so we called on Tabby then just ended up walking to Safeways... twas brilliant fun, we were gonna go choir singing and jump through the carwash... that is so my dream...
We walked back and Ian was trying to hijack, but no one took notice of him! When we got back to Letty's estate she had to go in because she had this big family meal kind of thing. We just stayed outside, we rang Leon, I panicked, we saw Kev, he was going to shoot someone because they smoked two of his fags. Then we went to the park and Dave and his crew came, when I saw crew I mean Benett (cough cough, TWAT! We never get on...) Dave and Shaun Cholwill (my friends cousin). They went off looking for gnomes and stuff and never came back...
After that Ian and Tabby started smashing the beer bottles... I started panicking because it was in a park so I said : "Think of the children!"... then Tabby had a blonde moment and said "Yeah, it might wake them up", LMAO! She's so cute! Then we heard the ice cream van. so Ian bought 5 drumstick lollies, in which he shared. We then stayed in the phone box, then Ian discovered the bush...
He kept bouncing into it, me and Tabby started to join in, then we ended up having a Charlie's Angel bounce and everything... Tabby seemed to find it hilarious that I said... Lets find some more bush to bounce!!!...
Letty came out then we went Knock-A-Door-Running round the estate... I found it extremely scary! I only did one...
Tabby had to go in then Ian went then me and Letty went in. We watched this hilarious thing, Tom Green in Japan. Dude! I was in stitches, he's my idol!!! After watching that Muse - Time Is Running Out kept coming on! So the good day ended in a good way... hehe that rhymes!!! We went ti bed about 1-2.
As we all laid down, Alana said how she missed Rich, he has to go to a college in Nottingham and he left yesterday. So me and Letty joined in. She said how much she missed Steve-O ( a pick of an ex boyfriend who she loves) and I said how much I missed Sammy. I know we never had a relationship, but I sure did love him, I think I still do. Well I need to write some really important stuff now.
I know that life may upset you, but because your such a good friend it hurts me to see you upset, I know it's hard but please cheer up, and stop arguing with your parents!
I hardly know you, but yet I feel I've known you for years, your that kind of guy. Remember you only live once, just go for that girl, because you sure as hell have got that potential! If she doesn't go with you, she must be crazy! Cheer up aswell, you guys make me worry!
Oh, where do I start!
I miss the way we wrote little notes to eachother in maths
I miss the way no matter what mood I was in previously, you always had a way that made me smile
I miss the way I used to glare at you out of jealousy because of the girls that surrounded you
I miss the way that when it was a p.e lesson, we always met up and went down Letty's, and ate her food whether she was their or not
Concluding from the previous point, I miss the sandwiches you made!
I miss the way that when we walked back to school you would continuously trip me up and find it funny
I miss the way we do absolutely nothing in Mr Ryan's lesson, just laugh all the way through it, and copy Daniel in the process
I miss you telling me to touch Daniel's crotch
I miss the way you would always back chat Mr Bradbury, and sometimes we'd break up into laughter because we actually thought he had heard it
I miss being moved!
I miss walking up to Safeways singing: "I'm walking in shit again, woah woah woah..."
I miss excitedly running up to Pugwash hugging him...
I miss rushing to the cookies to grab the final one
I miss queueing up for chips whilst laughing myself to tears
I miss getting my mustard :(
I miss, oh wait a sec, I must appreciate this moment, Iris is playing...........
"I'd give up forever to touch you..."
O, lets carry on...
I miss the way I was obsessed with your Lilo and Stitch impression
I miss the adrenaline rush in a lesson, because I know that I'll be with you next
I miss the fact that when I knew I wouldn't see you for a while, I'd run up to you, and wrap my legs round you whilst hugging
I miss the feeling of never wanting to let go
I miss rushing home in order to phone you
I miss the way I'd change my previous plans to be with you, like when I went to the panto
I miss the 5 hour long conversations we had
I miss singing along to your keyboard playing
I miss "watching" the films together, when we were actually talking on the phone
I miss discussing the funny moments in music videos, like the fat lady dancing on Busted, and the drugged up boy that smiles in The Idols's video
I miss my dad making me hang up when it came to 2 in the morning and I was still on the phone
I miss the fact that one time it came to an hour, so we hung up, I didn't ring you back straightaway because I needed the toilet, within 10 seconds of hanging up, you'd rang my house phone wondering what I was doing. 10 seconds.
But most of all I miss what all the above build up to, our friendship
Sammy, I love you
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