Thursday, January 22, 2004

Well todays been...shit. I got a lift to school. I made friends with Tabby, may I add, THANK GOD! Leon sent me this email last night and it made me think, and I love her soooooooo much! First lesson was history, I've finally caught up with Clur! I no longer enjoy the lesson... Luke still sayd Shibby! I think that's the only thing that's kept me from showing everyone how upset I am. Second lesson was maths, which was good, me and Tabby talked. i tole her about the email, so at break we went into one of the clusters and read it, I had to hold back my tears, when I read it last night my face was burning with the tears! It was just so perfect! Then we went to the hall and we bought munchimoos. I had to eat 2 burgers in 5 minutes! Not recommended... Third lesson was english. We carried on reading the novel, but me and Jess were concentrating more on teh "Boogie Pimps - Somebody To Love" video, it's drawn on our english folder.. I htink that Lady is disturbed to enjoy minibabies crawling on her, but as they say, whatever turns you on! Science was the next lesson, Sammy seemed ok towards me at first, then him and Daniel were talking about how the place bets with people about me, this really upset so I sat on the row infront, between Russ and Alex, but they didn't want me either, I'm just one big joke to everyone. I asked to go to the toilets, i wanted to cry and cry and cry, but someone was in there. So I just walke dback. I then took my stuff to the back of the classroom and I sat with Kristie, but then I went back next to Sammy, didn't speak though. Lunch, oh the joy! Tabby had to do this drama thing at quarter to 2, so I would have half an hour of lunch by myself, so we didn't bother going up Safeways because we wouldn't have enough time, so we bought munch then we went down to the music hall, so we could see Clur, Russ, Sammy and Danny practise their song (Linkin Park - In The End, they're performing it Sunday) but I was pushed out the door, and told to "bugger off" so me and Tabby went round the corner, I know it sounds pathetic, but I forced my tears back, I didn't want Tabby to see me like this. After that we just went to Tabby's form room. Last lesson was business, great! It was boring. I wlaked home with Frankie, had a fag. So to the person I promised to last night, I'm so sorry, just try being me for a day. Well yeah, that was about it. Now I'm on here doing nothing really. Just drowning my screams out with songs...

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